My website is finally up and running! Hooray! This is one of those things that has been hanging over my head for ages, and one that I kept postponing to work on various knitting or spinning projects (much more interesting!). The site now reflects my move away from general craft kits and parties toward a greater focus on knitting and other related fiber arts. I've also added galleries for different kinds of knits, finished items for sale, and a section for patterns. Now on to finishing all of the knitting patterns so that I can get them posted on the site!
And of course, there are still minor glitches here and there (like the gaps in the string on the home page...those appeared last night when I was too tired to figure out what had happened). But making minor changes here and there is much less daunting than working on many, many pages at the same time.
Just wanted to stop by and say that I love your skull scarf over at knitty! Hmmm.... what project can I put aside in order to get it done by Halloween?
Posted by: katie | October 17, 2005 at 07:48 PM
Well, the skull scarf is just so creative and visionary that it made me grin out loud. I hope to meet you at one of our local fiber extravaganzas. :o)
Posted by: Lisa S | October 18, 2005 at 07:36 AM